
Pearson- England

Project amount in Euro/year:

60.000,00 €/year


Start: 2010

End: ongoing

Short description of the project:

With the support of Luxembourg Development Agency through the Project KSV/015 it is established the partnership between Pearson and the Centres of Competence in Ferizaj and Prizren (and their governing bodies and responsible authorities) with the aim the internationalization of the selected qualifications offered as Level 4 and Level 5 courses. From September 2017, the CoCs provide internationally recognized vocational qualifications in the following sectors: BTEC level 4 in Business, Travel and Tourism, Hospitality and Pharmaceutical Science as well as level 5 qualifications in Children/Students with Special Education Needs and Career Guidance Counsellor. In the frame of the project KSV/015 APPK, as Pearson representative for BTEC qualifications in Kosovo, will offer specific sub-contracted services for the same institutions.

Also, starting from 2018, Pearson, with mediation of APPK, has signed an agreement with one of the Publishing Houses in Kosovo for the use of Pearson English language textbooks in school institutions in Kosovo, and the same are being used in the system of education in our country.

Project characteristics:

  • Capacity building of the Centre of Competences in Ferizaj and Prizren
  • Internationalization of profiles and qualifications in CoCs
  • Textbooks