20 years in employment


What is APPK?

APPK is a leader in the field of socio-economic reintegration and capacity building of various target groups, by ensuring their socio-economic sustainability and professional advancement, aiming to impact the economic development and the general stabilization of the community.

Counselling services

Job placement

Vocational Education in Germany (Ausbildung), Courses, Trainings


Some statistics


Candidates counselled for economic integration


Professional trainings and courses


Trainees for Business Start-up


Candidates mediated in employment

Donors and partners

Project implementation in the field of economic integration support
Project implementation for vocational education and training of Kosovo youth in Germany, as well as counselling and supporting for starting their living in Germany.
Cooperation in the field of education, various qualifications such as: BTEC qualifications, qualifications for English language, PTE General and PTE Young Learners.
Implementation of projects for vocational education and training in Germany (Ausbildung)
To arrive prepared in Germany-expansion of competencies
Vorbereitet und erfolgreich nach Deutschland – Kompetenzen erweitern“
Projekt der Diakonie zur Unterstützung der Vorintegration
- finanziert über Mittel aus dem AMIF der EU und
nationalen Kofinanzierungsmitteln der Bundesrepublik Deutschland