Federal Ministry for Development and Cooperation – Germany
Amount in Euro:
150,000.00 €
Start: 2005
End: 2006
Short description of the project:
Commissioned by BMZ (Bundesministerium für Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, Ministry of Development and Cooperation of Germany) as well as under the Coordination and monitoring of AGEF GmbH (Working Group ……), was realized the “Support for the establishment of 20 small enterprises », for the target group“ Kosovo jobseekers returned from Germany ” by realizing:
- Identifying and counselling of over 80 candidates who have possessed an idea and some preconditions to establish a small business.
- Verification and classification of 30 candidates to participate in the seminar for Business Establishment.
- Implementation of the first 7-day seminar for 13 candidates and
- Implementation of the second 7-day Seminar for 17 candidates, by elaborating the topics: Personal Pre conditions for Starting a Business, Customer Analysis, Supply and Sales Market, What are the requirements for my products?, Competition Analysis, Examples from the Market Analysis and Competition, Investment and Financial Plan, Marketing Concept, Pricing, Legal Form, Taxes, Loans.
- Supporting the candidate in compiling the Business plan.
- In cases where the Business Plan has met some specific conditions of the project, a financial support up to 6000 EUR is allowed which is defined by the relevant bilateral Agreements.
- Monitoring the further development of the established business
Project Characteristics:
- Counselling of candidates for Business Start-up
- Implementation of the training for Business Start-up
- Monitoring and evaluation of the established businesses.