European Union
Amount in Euro:
165,017.75 €
Start: 2016
End: 2017
Short description of the project:
Project JASE was an EU funded project and managed from EU office in Kosovo. JASE was designed to remove obstacles and provide conditions for employment and human resources development in the cross-border area via production of medical herbs and forest-grown fruits; increase labor force flexibility, ensure better quality of life and establish a link among people in the cross-border area for improving future cooperation and exchange of knowledge and goods; strengthen cooperation among various labor market stakeholders for their better inclusion into development of local employment strategies and human resources development.
Project characteristics:
- Study visits in Kosovo and Montenegro
- Workshops in Kosovo and Montenegro
- Training of the unemployed for production and processing of forest grown fruits and medical herbs.
- Training for business start-up
- Survey on the employers needs in the cross-border region