On January 21, 2020, in the framework of the project Skilled Workforce for Economic Integration – SWEI, the fourth and last meeting of the steering committee of the SWEI project was held.
During this meeting, the project team informed the steering committee about the most important project activities which are carried out during the months of June to December 2019. It was also discussed about the last remaining phase of project implementation, as a result of the completion of the project by February 28, 2020.
Special focus was reported on holding three trainings: training on “Collection, cultivation and processing of forest grown fruits”, training on “Collection, cultivation and processing of medical herbs” and training on “Business Start-ups” which are organized during the period September-October 2019 in Prizren, Kukës and Lezha.

The meeting of the project steering committee was attended by all members of the committee:
Mrs. Elira Demiraj – Director of the National Employment Service in Albania
Mr. Drin Haraçia – General Director of the Employment Agency of the Republic of Kosovo
Mr. Lah Nitaj – Director of the National Qualifications Authority in Kosovo
Mr. Bedri Xhafa – General Manager of APPK
Mr. Agron Pullumbi – National Employment Service Albania,
As well as the project team from the implementing partners APPK – Agjensioni i Përkrahjes së Punësimit Kosovë and International Studies Institute